“Raga Shyam Kalyan helps to activate Mooladhar chakra. It helps to allow Kundalini to rise easily, naturally and gently. Kundalini energizes and nourishes the chakra. Also Raga works on chakra to maintain its optimum spin and balance. Energy supply is taken care of it to the different organs, which are connected with this chakra. This rage gives strength to Apan Vayu (Lower Air) which is responsible for activities in the lower abdomen and excretion and sex sublimation. Chastity, innocence and wisdom ar
7 months ago 02:20:05 4
Sahaja Yoga Bhajan
4 years ago 05:09:23 26
Sahaja Yoga Marathi Bhajans
4 years ago 02:27:00 25
Sahaja Yoga Shri MahaLakshmi Puja 16 07 1996 Moscow