Alphaville - Forever Young - 29-10-1984 TopPop

Alphaville is a German synth-pop band which gained popularity in the 1980s. The founding members were lead singer Marian Gold (real name Hartwig Schierbaum; born 1954), Bernhard Lloyd (real name Bernhard Gössling; born 1960), and Frank Mertens (real name Frank Sorgatz; born 1961). They achieved chart success with the singles “Forever Young“, “Big in Japan“, “Sounds Like a Melody“, “The Jet Set“ and “Dance with Me“ ’Forever Young’ reached #18 in the Dutch Top 40 in november 1984. In the German charts it reached no. 4, no. 3 in France, no. 1 in Sweden and no. 3 in Switzerland. Also watch ’Big In Japan’: Watch our great music videos ❯ More TopPop? Subscribe here ❯ More info on Wikipedia ❯ Broadcast date: 1984-10-29 This is to let you know that the video recording
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