VDOL’ PO ULITSE METELITSA METET - Russian song / Canción rusa/ Chanson russe/ ロシアの歌

Olga Varvus performs the popular Russian song “Blizzard Sweeps Along the Street“. This is a Russian romance by Alexander Varlamov on the verses of Dmitry Glebov, which has been known since the 1840s. A bit of history. The lyric song “It’s boring, mother, in the spring I live alone“ was published back in 1790 in the collection of Lvov-Prach. And in 1817 D. Glebov in a similar style wrote his poem “It’s boring, mother, my heart is to live alone ...“. These poems were set to music by A. Varlamov in 1842, and the song became known as “Along the street a blizzard is sweeping ...“. Olga Varvus interpreta la popular canción rusa “Blizzard Sweeps Along the Street“. Este es un romance ruso de Alexander Varlamov sobre los versos de Dmitry Glebov, que se conoce desde la década de 1840. Un poco de historia. La letra de la canción “Es aburrida, madre, en la primavera vivo sola“ se publicó allá por 1790 en la colecci&
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