song: Midnight Starlight by Jason Walker
I haven’t been this happy with a vid in a very, very long time! It’s all down to this BEAUTIFUL pairing!! ♥
Isn’t so frustrating when you love a pairing so much, but you have zero inspiration to vid them? That’s what it’s been like for me with Forwood, which is why my last video of them was uploaded in February! :O Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried so hard to vid them, but I ended up hating each video I started =/
I chose this song pretty randomly. I’ve become absolutely, freaking obssesed with Jason Walker and his stunning voice ever since Echo played in TVD 3x02!! The lyrics of this song don’t technically fit Forwood, but it’s so pretty, I just had to use it for them :) In the vid I just showed their story and everything they’ve been through so far. Hopefully you all think I did them justice. Like I said, I’m so happy with the end result! :D I’m sure some of your