
00 - Extras: 01 - Introduction 00:00:00 02 - Conclusion 00:00:24 01 - Master Of Puppets: 01 - Intro 00:00:54 02 - Verse & Pre Chorus 00:08:14 03 - Chorus & Clean Section 00:14:59 04 - Harmony Section & 1st Solo 00:22:22 05 - 2nd Solo 00:32:51 06 - Post Solo Riffs & Outro 00:40:12 07 - Master Of Puppets - Performance 00:46:03 02 - One: 01 - Intro & 1st Solo 00:54:39 02 - Verse & Chorus 01:03:38 03 - 2nd Solo & Rhythm Interlude 01:13:44 04 - Middle Section 01:24:05 05 - Main Solo 01:33:14 06 - Harmony Solo & Outro 01:43:51 07 - One - Performance 01:52:53 03 - The Day That Never Comes: 01 - Intro & Verse 02:00:02 02 - Chorus & 2nd Verse 02:09:07 03 - Heavy Middle Section 02:17:05 04 - Harmony Lead Section 02:24:08 05 - Main Solo & Outro 02:32:02 06 - The Day That Never Comes - Performance 02:44:58 04 - Nothing Else Matters: 01 - Intro 02:52:59 02 - Verse 03:01:42 03 - Chorus & Bridge 03:13:21 04 - Solo & Outro 03:23:17 05 - Nothing Else Matters - Performance 03:28:45 05 - Until It Sleeps: 01 - Rhythm Parts 03:35:27 02 - Solo & Outro 03:44:22 03 - Until It Sleeps - Performance 03:50:01
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