The Killers - Caution (Wasatch Style)

It’s indisputable. Rock ‘n’ roll is at its absolute best when it’s coming at you and thousands of fellow disciples like a 747 from a dialed-in PA. So, what happens when the power goes out? That’s the head-on collision we all faced when COVID reared its ugly and uncertain head. People were restless, outraged, tired, and, in some cases, just flat out scared for the future. In our world, touring hit the brakes, studios shuttered doors, and there was plenty of talk of bands holding onto records until this all ‘blew over.’ I couldn’t help but draw parallels between the buzzwords I was hearing on the news and my time growing up in rural Utah. Isolation, social distance, lockdown. I knew those feelings, but I also knew an antidote: music. It ministered to me one on one. It was my lifeline, my jet fuel in my time of need, and I am eternally grateful. Those strong feelings were the catalyst for us getting ‘Imploding the Mirage’ out as speedily as possible, and ‘Caution’ was our fearless leader - a barn burner about gambling on yourself, in the name of love. It’s more than just the next song on the countdown to ‘Rebel Diamonds,’ but only you know exactly what that means. 20 songs for 20 years. #RebelDiamonds
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