The number e explained in depth for (smart) dummies

In this follow-up video to his “e to the i pi for dummies“ video the Mathologer sets out to properly explain the coolest features of the famous number e and the exponential function e^x. Find out WHY e is irrational, how you go about calculating the first 1,000,000 digits of e, WHY the exponential function e^x is its own derivative, etc. Here are links to the videos that I refer to in this video: e to the pi i for dummies: (this is the video I summarise at the beginning) Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0: (about derivatives, among other things) Math in the Simpsons: e to the i pi: (this is the video that I refer to at the very end) This week’s t-shirt I made myself. Check out this wiki page about this pretty identity π Thank you very much to my friend Marty Ross for proofwatching drafts of
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