ROMEO AND JULIET - Full ballet with Rudolf Nureyev & Margot Fonteyn, music by Sergei Prokofiev, 1966

Enjoy this beautiful masterpiece! ROMEO AND JULIET is a ballet with music by Sergei Prokofiev and is perhaps best known for the performance by Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn. The ballet follows the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers from feuding families in Verona. This film is the 1966 famed Royal Ballet production of ROMEO AND JULIET. This historical performance stars Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev as the quintessential stage lovers. It captures the greatest dance partnership of our century at the peak of their careers. Fonteyn and Nureyev’s performance has been critically hailed as “perfection in movement which epitomizes the freedom beyond technical mastery. It expresses itself as poetic lyricism. ROMEO AND JULIET features Sergei Prokofiev’s music, recognized as the first great full-length ballet score since Tchaikovsky’s classics. The choreography of Kenneth Macmillan is acknowledged as the reason for the ballet’s successful transfe
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