Sevara Nazarkhan (Севара Назархан) - Autumn (Kuz) (Uzbek & English)

Disclaimer: This translation to English is my best novice attempt. Any similarity to the actual or intended meaning is merely coincidental. (Click on SHOW MORE) * Zamon barvaqt bo‘lmay deb taslim. I gave up because the time wasn’t too early. Yolg‘on so‘zga pinhon suyangan. I secretly leaned on false words. Men zamonning eng asil rasmin I wrapped the noblest picture of the time Pinhon o‘rab qo‘ydim miyamga. and secretly kept it in my mind. * Menga ayon harom-u halol It is clear to me that it is halal. Chigallik yo‘q, yechilgan tugun. There is no entanglement, the knot is untied. U suratni olib, bemalol He took the picture and said, Hatto o‘lib ketishim mumkin. “I might even die.“ # Ammo shubha kezar olamda, But in the world of doubts, Miyam og‘ir ranglarga to‘liq my mind is full of heavy colors. Zil boshimni qonli yelkamga I rest my head on my bloody shoulder. Qo‘yolmaydi titragan qo‘lim. My trembling hand can’t let go. # Odamzodni agar xudovand. God loves mankind. Yaratgani rost ersa xokdan. It is true that he created it from dust. Bu dunyoning surati — bir vaqt! This is a picture of the world - a time! O‘sib chiqar she’r degan chohdan. It grows from the age of poetry. Repeat *, #, # (Halal is an Arabic word that simply means lawful or permitted, but generally refers to what’s allowed under Islamic law)
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