I Can’t Give You Anything But Love - Jazz Lag

Jazz Lag feat. Selena Galleri performing “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love“, an American popular song and jazz standard by Jimmy McHugh (music) and Dorothy Fields (lyrics). The song was introduced by Adelaide Hall at Les Ambassadeurs Club in New York in January 1928 in Lew Leslie’s Blackbird Revue, which opened on Broadway later that year as the highly successful Blackbirds of 1928 (518 performances). Below a small introduction of the legend about the birth of the song. Follow us on Spotify: This video is a Jazz Lag™ Production: - Web Site: - FB: - Instagram & Twitter: @jazzlag Recorded at “Studio Fotografico Oleandro“ Sound engineering by Simone Pirovano Make-up by Monica Migliavacca
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