Pride & Prejudice

- Adapted by David Burke Directed by Ron Pyle Scene design by Jason Waggoner Costume design by Jeffrey Stegall Lighting design by Richard Streeter Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are delighted to learn that the nearby estate of Netherfield has been purchased by one Charles Bingley of London. Mr. Bingley is accompanied by his friend, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, a handsome young man of great wealth and position. As the Bennets have five daughters, the prospect of two newcomers who are both rich and single is quite intriguing. “What a fine thing for our girls!” Mrs. Bennet exudes to her husband, urging him to pay a call on Bingley. Mr. Bennet does so, but without the knowledge of his wife, whose vexation gives him great pleasure.
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