18 LEGIONS IN 18 MINUTES! | Legions Imperialis | Army Painting | Horus Heresy
In this video we paint up all 18 Space Marine Legions for the new Epic game of Legions Imperialis!!!
#legionsimperialis #spacemarines #paintingwarhammer
Miniature Painting Made Easy -
Paints Used:
Dark Angels
GW - Incubi Darkness
GW - Mephiston Red
VMC - White
VMC - Ivory
S75 - Decayed Metal
MCS - Exhaust Manifold
Emperors Children
GW - Luxion Purple
VMC - Black
VMA - Intermediate Blue
Tamiya - Flat White XF2
S75 - Decayed Metal
MCS - Exhaust Manifold
Iron Warriors
GW - Skeleton Horde
GW - Imperial Fist
VMC - Black
VMC - White
MCS - Exhaust Manifold
White Scars
AK - Rock Grey
GW - Mephiston Red
Tamiya - Flat White XF2
MCS - Exhaust Manifold
Space Wolves
VMA - Dark Sea Grey
GW - Eshin Grey
GW - Dawnstone
GW - Mephiston Red
VMC - Black
MCS - Exhaust M