Antique roses Embroidery Cute bouquet Dimensional embroidery

Antique roses Embroidery Cute bouquet Dimensional embroidery how to embroider Antique rose cute bouquet Dimensional embroidery pattern - Material for Rose DMC pearl 3D Rose - DMC pearl № 223, 224, 225 Leaf - DMC pearl № 928, 841, 368 rosebuds DMC pearl № 223, 928. 368 Stitch Rose stitch Cast-on stitch blanket stitch fly stitch buttonhole bar stitch bullion stitch Watch a related video Floral embroidery Petals from 3 in 1 variation of loop stitch Amazing Flower Embroidery Idea with Woolen Wool Rose Flower Thanks for watching! Related Videos: WOOL FLOWERS How to embroider roses BIG FLOWERS Embroidery of a leaf |
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