Scott Ritter Reveals BRICS Just SHUTDOWN All Trade To US & UK In Support Of Houthi Rebels!

Scott Ritter, a renowned former UN weapons inspector and military strategist, has revealed a historic move by the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) that is expected to send shockwaves through the global economic and political landscape. In a decisive show of sympathy with the Houthi rebels, the BRICS coalition has officially suspended all trade with the United States and the United Kingdom. This drastic turn of events follows the US and UK’s disputed missile attacks on Houthi sites, which triggered a massive international crisis. Ritter’s extensive analysis provides light on the complicated factors driving the BRICS censure, delving into the convoluted web of geopolitical rivalries and alliances that have led to this point. He discusses the historical context of the Houthi conflict, the BRICS states’ geopolitical interests in the Middle East, and the global implications of this economic embargo. Ritter’s authoritative perspective unpacks the economic, political, and military consequences of the BRICS’ daring decision, emphasising its significance in the evolving global power balance. This video is essential for anyone interested in comprehending the widening gap between major world powers and the possibility of a new era of economic warfare. Ritter’s study not only provides a complete assessment of the current situation, but it also forecasts potential future scenarios that could arise from this watershed moment. From the influence on global trade and the economy to the diplomatic relations between these superpowers, this in-depth examination of one of our time’s most momentous geopolitical developments leaves little to the imagination. Tune in to learn about the BRICS’ remarkable decision, its history, and the potential to influence international relations and economic policy around the world.
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