What Turkey And Iran Just Did, Declares War On Sanctions

What Turkey And Iran Just Did, Declares War On Sanctions #turkey #iran #trade In a major step forward, Iran and Turkey have decided to work closely together to improve their economic connections. This means they want to do more business with each other to make their countries stronger economically. They’re even planning to create a special area where trade can happen easily between them, called a free trade zone. This big decision happened during a visit by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Turkey. If You Like This Video: Like, Share, Comment And Subscribe. This Means A Lot To Us! Thanks For Watching Our Video: What Turkey And Iran Just Did, Declares War On Sanctions President Raisi took part in a meeting called the Supreme Economic Council during his visit. This meeting was all about finding ways to make Iran and Turkey better friends economically. They talked about how they can help each other more and make it easier for businesses in both countries to work together. One important thing they discussed was how to deal with the difficult situation in Gaza, a place facing many problems. Before going to Turkey, President Raisi talked about how important Turkey is to Iran. Both countries have a lot in common because they’re mostly Muslim, and they share similar beliefs and values. Iran sees Turkey as a very important partner for business and trade. President Raisi has even set a goal for both countries to do $30 billion worth of business together. He believes they can do it by using the resources they already have. There are a few reasons why Iran and Turkey want to work together more. They both agree on how to solve the problems between Israel and Palestine. This shared idea could make them even better friends in the region. Plus, they’ve both had some trouble with the United States in the past, which has actually given them a chance to team up and help each other. They hope that by working together, they can deal with any problems caused by things like sanctions. One big part of their plan is to do more business together and make it easier for companies in both countries to trade with each other. During President Raisi’s visit, Iran and Turkey signed ten agreements to help with this. These agreements are all about making it easier for businesses to invest in each other’s countries and work together on different projects. This is a really exciting step because it means there could be more jobs and opportunities for people in Iran and Turkey. They’re also planning to create a special area along their border where trade can happen without any restrictions. This area, called a free trade zone, will make it easier and cheaper for companies to buy and sell things between Iran and Turkey. Both countries think this is a great idea because it will help them make more money and create more jobs, especially in the areas near the border. Even though they’re mostly focused on making their economies stronger, Iran and Turkey also want to help each other with other problems in the region. They’re talking about how to deal with issues like the conflict in Gaza and how to make transportation between their countries easier. By working together, they hope to solve these problems and make the region a better place for everyone. Of course, there are still some challenges they need to overcome. They have to figure out how to deal with competition from other countries and how to balance their own interests. But both Iran and Turkey are committed to making their partnership work. They know that by helping each other, they can make their countries stronger and create more opportunities for their people. More Details In The Video
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