Lao NEWS on LNTV: Thousands of people will flock to witness the Naga fireballs.9/10/2014

VO Thousands of people will flock to Pakngum district end of Buddisht lent day, hoping to witness Mystery of the Naga fireballs INTRO: Thousands of people will flock to Pakngum district tonight, hoping to witness the strange phenomenon of the Naga fireballs, where orbs of flaming light rise mysteriously from the muddy waters of the Mekong. Our news team prepared the following story  STORY: Known in Lao as Bang Fai Phaya Nak, the appearance of the Naga fireballs coincides with the end of Buddhist Lent, on the full moon of the 11th month of the Buddhist calendar. The reddish pink balls of light are known to rise from the Mekong along a 100 kilometre stretch of the river from both sides Laos and Thailand, with recorded sightings dating back more than 100 years. No one knows for sure what is behind this strange phenomenon, but legend has it that it is the breath of the Naga king, a serpent that resides in the Mekong, who has just awoken after three months of meditation during Lent. Some sa
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