Prehistoric Britain (1/11)

Prehistoric Britain. An eleven-minute overview of the history of humanity in Britain before the arrival of the Romans. Everything from the first human beings to set foot here through to the Iron Age Celts. The next episode, Roman Britain, will be released on Tuesday 7th July 2020. HELP SUPPORT HISTORY SKIMMED ON PATREON: SOURCES AND FURTHER READING: A history of Ancient Britain (2011) [DVD] Directed by Nurmohamed, A. et al. UK: BBC Worldwide Ltd Cussans, T. et al (1998) Atlas of European History Times Books Falkus, M. & Gillingham, J. (1987) Historical Atlas of Britain Kingfisher Harari, Y. N. (2011) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Vintage Parker, P. (2000) History of the World Times Books MUSIC Email: historyskimmed@
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