nicora ray ark / Rise
■1st single 『Rise』2024年9月1日(日)配信スタート!!
1. Rise
2. mement
⚪︎ Official Web Site
⚪︎ Official X Account
⚪︎ Official Instagram
■nicora ray ark
00 icon: chiyono
X Account
01 wolf : ami
X Account
02 fox : momo(MV Special guest)
03 rabbit : hinako seiryo(MV Special guest)
04 hawk : Yuuri(MV Special guest)
Lyrics : Shuichi Saito
Compose : Yuyoyuppe
Guitar : ISAO
Bass : BOH
Drums : Kuniaki Suzuki
■MusicVideo Staff
Produce : Shuichi Saito
Assistant : Mia Ito(HIKARION)
Camera & Color direction:Kaku Ito(Dittok Technology)
Lighiting:Yosuke Shimada
Special makeup artist : Kenji sato
Costume : Ayako Tenjin
Item Design(mike stand) : Osamu Hakamata
Item Design(mask) : Yu Taniguchi
Choreographer : Sarry
Dance Direction : Ayü
nicora ray ark
icon chiyonoがメインボーカル。Animalsはamiを中心に最大4人編成でダンス&ボーカルを担当。
nicora ray ark
A performance unit composed of the “Icon“ and the “Animals.“
Icon Chiyono is the main vocalist. Animals, led by Ami, is a dance and vocal group with up to four members.
With a total of five members, they traverse a chaotic world with their deep repertoire of songs and high-energy performances.
1 view
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