Devin Townsend - Quarantine

Hello all, welcome to the first installment of my ’Quarantine Project’ I want to be able to provide some relief during these coming times in the ways that I am able. People have been supportive of me in my time of need with the GoFundMe campaign, as we lost a lot of revenue due to the current and foreseeable touring cycle, and want to make sure I can provide something that in some way begins to say ’thank you’. In the ways Im able, I will provide as much content as I can during this period as its what I feel I can offer. My company has a lot of people involved, and your support has saved us in so many ways. I know we are all affected by this and yes, I could look for another job during this period like so many others will have to, but I figure that the best thing I can do is focus on my work and hopefully provide some sort of relief doing what Im best at. I want to give back as much as I can over the next while, and I hope that some of the work I can manage here will provide a b
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