Tombs of Extinction - Alarm goes off as Regnant Tries to Hide Among the Red Elite Soldiers!

Tombs of Extinction - Alarm goes off as Regnant Tries to Hide Among the Red Elite Soldiers! All content created by F. Sudol © 2023 BlackArro Productions. This is part of an ongoing series, thank you for watching. Feel free to like, comment, share, subscribe and bell notify. Thank you. DIALOG: INTERCOM Alert. There is a RED SOLDIER imposter among us! And the WORLD LEADER is missing! Secure all exits! Let no one leave! SOLDIER Our World Leader’s safety is of critical importance to his great plan of rebuilding our world. One of you is an imposter. And the way we’re going to find you, is through the World Leader’s last verification Command Imprint. Step forward, one by one until we find the culprit.
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