喝点家酿啤酒消暑又解馋Refreshing and Satisfying Homebrewed Beers for the Busy Farming Season|Liziqi Channel

Liziqi Channel——农忙时节,围一块儿喝点家酿啤酒消暑又解馋 上月中旬参加了亚洲文明对话大会,开幕式中大大说到:“文明因多样而交流,因交流而互鉴,因互鉴而发展”听到这话我第一个想到锅盖窑。才发现,其实在不知不觉中,文明的交流与借鉴,早已深入到我们每个人的方方面面。 刚好是收麦子的季节,磨了新面粉,做了麦麦酒。还酿了不同文化发源的啤酒! Last month, I attended the CDAC (Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations). At the opening ceremony, President Xi said, “Civilizations become colorful thanks to exchanges, and rich because of mutual learning and reference.” Upon hearing this, the first thing that came to my mind was the “pot lid oven”. It was only then that I re
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