Gagarin Valley Concept presentation | Գագարին հովտի հայեցակարգի շնորհան

The Gagarin Valley concept has been developed by the Rotterdam-based architecture and urban planning company MVRDV. Commissioned by DAR Foundation for Regional Development and Competitiveness, MVRDV developed a vision for making the 18’000-hectare area more sustainable and diverse. In the Gagarin Valley, 10’000 species will soon flourish on as many plots. With the help of innovative facilities and future-proof housing, the valley will become an ideal base for sustainable agriculture and ecotourism and a new generation of residents. More about the proposal: --- --- «Գագարին հովտի» 18’000 հա տարածքն ավելի կայուն և բազմակերպ դարձնելու տե
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