Wishing everyone Happy New Year - Losar Tashi Delek - 龍年快樂 - May All Beings be Happy

From your Dharma friends at Buddha Weekly, wishing you a most auspicious, wonderful, and happy NEW YEAR of the DRAGON! February 10, 2024 is Lunar New Year -- with celebrations lasting usually two weeks! HAPPY MAITREYA DAY! February 10 is also Maitreya Buddha Day. Happy 15 Days of Miracles -- from February 10 to Feb 24 we honor and celebrate the 15 miracles of the Buddha! LOTS TO CELEBRATE. May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May all beings rejoice in the well-being of others. May all beings live in peace, free from greed and hatred. On Losar and for the first 15 days of the New Year it is especially meritorious to recite sutras and mantras and other offerings and practices. When recited on one of the eighteen Sacred Buddha Days, it has “Karmic results multiplied one hundred million times.“ according to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, citing the Vinaya Text Treasure of Quotations and Logic. It is especially meritorious to make offerings and offer generosity. Reciting the Sutra of Remembering the Three Jewels is the perfect practice for these days: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! TASHI DELEK LOSAR! 龍年快樂 - May All Beings be Happy
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