NEOSHIN is a hybrid between an animated film series and a music album created by students of Animationsinstitut. After the invention of cryonic reality (CR) in 2073 the leaders of the world agreed to stop time count and proclaimed the year 2073X. While one is in the CR, the body does no longer age. Users also have access to a virtual utopia that serves as a substitute for the bleak real world. The story begins when a new CR-Virus called NEOSHIN shatters AYUKOs world.
The band, through which the virus manifests itself in the world, will also exist in the real world and perform.
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Director: Sebastian Selg
Co - Director/Technical Director: Ramon Schauer
Producer: Jiayan Chen
Music/Script: Roman Schneider
Lead Actress / Animation Supervisor: Bea Höller
Body Model: Delia Böttcher
Scanning Operator (nc3d ): Daria Varfolomeeva
Scanning done at: nc3d
Guitars manufactured by: Aviator Guitars
Motion Captu