Allied attack on Italy leads to surrender and revolt from Mussolini’s rule (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British Eighth Army and U.S. Fifth Army invade the soft underbelly of Europe through Italy? Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Broken Axis, Italian Surrender Disintegrates Three-Power Pact ITALY: Calabria: EXT AARNOLD, Major General Citadel, Quebec for Conference w. Allied Chiefs ASSAULT LANDING CRAFT Troops & equipment embark from at dawn in . ATHLONE, Earl of At Quebec :at Rideau Hall BADGER, Admiral oscar. At Quebec Conference BEST, Doctor C.H. (co-discoverer of Insulin) Presnets honorary degree Doctor of Law to Pres. Roosevelt from University of London, Eng. in Canada BRACKEN BRENDON. (Minister of Information). At Press meeting , Roosevelt BREADNER, Air Marshal L.S. At Quebec Conference BR
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