New Zealand Prime Minister Peter Fraser pays tribute to New Zealanders fighting in Greece (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. Fraser commends Maori and European New Zealanders who fought in Crete almost entirely without? Full Description: UNKNOWN: INT FRASER, PETER. (Prime Minister of New Zealand) in Middle East Pays tribute to the New Zealanders fighting in Crete (Maori troops inspected) MILITARY BRITISH. Mr. Peter Fraser makes speech on bravery of N.Z. troops.. (inspecting Maoris on parade) Personalities - Politicians; New Zealand New Zealand Labour Party, German paratroopers, Fallschirmjaeger, WWII, Axis Background: Mr. Fraser commends Maori and European New Zealanders who fought in Crete almost entirely without air support FILM ID: VLVAD1YI45X3IGQ9XB5IVYYI4A7SM To license this film, visit Arch
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