UK: SUEZ CRISIS: END OF A CONFERENCE:The Five Nation team (1956)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit SUEZ CRISIS: END OF A CONFERENCE:The Five Nation team Full Description: SUEZ CRISIS: END OF A CONFERENCE:The Five Nation team CONFERENCES. Shot of the cars parked outside Lancaster House for ()..“THE SUEZ CANAL CONFERENCE 1956 IN LANCASTER HOUSE“ LANCASTER HOUSE. (LONDON) Shot of the cars parked of the Conference room & the Table w delegates sitting...& of the following coming out after the Conference had K. Menon (India)..Mr Dulles (.)..Mr Selwyn Menzies (Australia). LLOYD. SELWYN. THE Rt. Hon. . T.D. Q.C. Sec. For. Aff. Seen coming out of Lancester House after the Suez Canal Conference had ended. LONDON. “THE END OF THE SUEZ CONFERENCE AT LANCASTER of cars parked of Conference table & delegates ...& following coming out ...Mr K Menon (India) Mr Dulles (.)...Mr Selwyn
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