Newsreel history is made by graphic film report of the marriage of Princess Elizabeth and ...(1947)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British Paramount report on the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. Full Description: Shot Abbey Towers. SCU Royal couple walking towards coach. SV Cavalry lined up waiting. CU Royal Couple in coach pan Coach leaves. GV Cavalry towards followed by Bridal coach. SV Pan Bridal couple waving from coach. SV Men sitting on canopy over shop. GTV Crowd outside Palace gates. GTV Crowd surging forward outside Palace gates. STV Pan crowd waving outside Palace gates. SGU Pan Glass coach through Palace gates (.) GV Glass coach into Palace courtyard. GTV Crowd outside Palace. GTV Crowd surging forward outside Palace. CU TV Crowd waving and cheering (.) SCU Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on balcony of Palace after Wedding. GTV Crowd rushing up to Palace gates. GTV Over Heads of cameramen, cro
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