United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration provides relief in Europe (1946)
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UNRRA ships food, machinery and clothing to war-torn Europe
Full Description:
SLATE INFORMATION: The Work of UNRRA in War Ravaged Europe
EUROPE: Various:
. Work of . in War -ravaged Europe - shots of refugees on the march. United Nations planning Pork productions Shots of Agriculture and farming implements from Canada. Shots of wild horses being rounded up for . salmon from Britished Columbia being packed. Shots of army lorries being load on to ships
Post War
Artillery, guns, tanks, troops, destruction, aerial photography,liberation, refugees, United Nations, UN, soup line, fishing, salmon, fishing boats, cannery, gutting, machinery, food processing, pork, butcher, ploughs, combines, harvesters, clothing, ordinance depot, volunteers, wild horses, cowboys
Background: UNRRA ships fo