Second World War: King George VI visits Malta and inspects Eighth Army in Tripoli (1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI pays a surprise visit to Malta and inspects the Eighth Army in Tripoli during the Second World War. Full Description: MALTA: General view from cruiser HMS Aurora approaching Malta Long shot of Malta from cruiser King saluting on deck of “Aurora“ Submarine in Malta’s harbour King on cruiser saluting “Aurora“ entering harbour, Maltese watching in foreground Lord Gort and Air Marshal Tedder and Air Vice Marshal Sir Keith Park waiting to greet the King Gort, Tedder and Park waiting King stepping off from launch and shakes hands with Gort King with Gort Cheering crowds as King’s car drives thru main street of Malta King in car with Gort King’s car driving up at Malta’s air field King stepping out of car and salutes officers King inspecting RAF guard of honour King shaking hands with RAF officer King walk
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