Liliput Line (1959)

Torquay, Devon. L/S panoramic view of Torquay with a young boy fishing (shot from the back). Cut to frontal M/S of a boy wearing red hat, fishing. Cut to panoramic view of Torquay. M/S of a man wearing white apron leaning over model boat working on it. C/U low angle shot of the man carving the wood with a knife. C/U shot of the man’s hands carving a model boat. This is Mr Dennis Greenslade, dental mechanic by trade, who is making a model of the Norwegian motor ship “Venus“ in his spare time. Man seems to be perfectionist - he asked the shipping line concerned for help and they gave him three sets of original plans and drawings. M/S of Mr Greenslade with friend bringing two of the models to the pond of Torquay’s Kings Gardens. Mr Greenslade’s boats not only look the same as the originals but they sail as well. L/S of Mr Greenslade putting a boat into pond. There is a crowd of people at the edge of the pond watching. Model starts sailing. It is model of Kronprincesse Ingrid, a passenger liner sailing
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