AT SEA / DEFENCE: HMS Indomitable, aircraft carrier, carrying the Seafire fighter plane (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable. The Seafire fighter plane takes off, flies past and? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Britain’s seagoing fighter AT SEA: AIRCRAFT-CARRIERS. SEAFIRES take off & land on (HMS INDOMITABLE) GRANTHAM Cptn.G. Aboard aircraft-carrier INDOMITABLE INDOMITABLE (Aircraft carrier) Seafire fighters take INDOMITABLE (Aircraft carrier) Cptn G. GRANTHAM NAVAL. SEAFIRES on aircraft carrier (Indomitable). Background: Aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable. The Seafire fighter plane takes off, flies past and lands on the carrier. Close up of Captain G. Grantham, pilot. FILM ID: VLVABOJ1VNEVN5ANJNQWSPHUBETAT To license this film, visit
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