Thirty Five Years Their Queen! (1933)

Full title reads: “Amsterdam. Thirty Five years their Queen! Nation joins in great demonstration of love and loyalty on 35th anniversary of their beloved Queen Wilhelmina’s accession.“ Amsterdam, Holland / Netherlands. Queen Wilhelmina walks along a row of young children offering flowers. A large crowd are watching. Children walk past the Queen and place posies at her feet. Royal carriage is driven into stadium. Crowds in grandstand stand up and wave their handkerchiefs. Shots of the Royal coach carrying Queen Wilhelmina and other royals. Great cheer as Wilhelmina walks down red carpet. ... Troops lead parade around running track. Nurses and others are amongst those marching. Shots of Queen and royals watching parade. A decorated float is brought out in the arena. Queen makes a speech - English subtitles are superimposed - “We thank you - young and old here present - and I ask you to work in trying to help me - and to assist me to get over these difficult times ... We will use our flag as
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