New Helicopter Aka Mobile Helicopter And Heliport (1956)

Gatwick Airport, Surrey. Demonstration of a new helicopter and road transporter. The helicopter is the Augusta-Bell 45G, a development of the famous Bell helicopters. The pilot is Captain John Crewdson. Various shots of the helicopter and C/Us of the pilot. The helicopter takes off and the pilot demonstrates his latest idea for making the helicopter a commercial proposition in Britain - a surface transporter unit. The helicopter is guided onto the back of the transporter. The helicopter has a “goldfish bowl“ style canopy which gives all-round viewing for aerial survey work and photogr...aphy. Improved visibility makes the plane ideal for motion picture camerawork which Captain Crewdson specialises in. One problem was always the cost of flying to and from locations so now he has developed the RAF trailer, a mobile heliport which even has room to take a motor car along as well. The Captain drives his car onto the teleporter. Narrator explains how the transporter has been made to fit like a glove
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