Archaeologists find tombs of ancient kings and queens of Egypt (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Archaeologists carefully unearth monuments, artifacts, mummies, and tombs of ancient Egyptian royalty, and a Cairo museum exhibits the relics of King Tutankhamun Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Uncovering the History of Ancient Egypt EGYPT: Cairo: INT/EXT EGYPT Uncovering treasures of Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists search for tombs of 14 Kings and Queens of ancient dynasties of Egypt. 4,000 year old Mummy of Priest uncovered. Temple of Queen Hatshopsut uncovered from covering of sand. TUTANKAMON Relics of King Tutankhamon on show in Cairo Museum. Vase of alabaster, Gold coffin of the king and golden face mask of the boy King History and Archaeology Pharaoh, Eighteenth Dynasty, archaeological dig, desert, relics Background: Archaeologists carefully unearth monuments, artifacts, mummi
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