AMAZING PICTURES OF JAP BLITZ IN CHINA Vicious attack on Chiang-Kai Shek’s new capital. (1941)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit AMAZING PICTURES OF JAP BLITZ IN CHINA Vicious attack on Chiang-Kai Shek’s new capital. Full Description: Chunking, China Air shot about 12 Japanese planes in air. SV 1 Jap plane in air. LAV pan of city. GV people running in street. SV people running in street. CU propellor and planes. CU pilots in plane. Shot of bombs dropping. GV bombs dropping on city and exploding. LV smoke rising from city. shadow of three bombers o ground. SV people sheltering under arch of building. Shot of bombs dropping. GV bombs exploding on city. LV showing city burning. SV showing city burning. LV city burning. Air Raids and War Damage; Japan; Sino-Japanese War Background: AMAZING PICTURES OF JAP BLITZ IN CHINA Vicious attack on Chiang-Kai Shek’s new capital. FILM ID: VLVA8FOHBS8ZDT8V6LXAT59VR9SON To license this film, visit
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