Canadian soldiers arrive in Korea (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Canadian Forces report for duty in Korea in 1951 Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Canadians Arrive in Korea SOUTH KOREA: Pusan: EXT CANADA Canadian troops arrives in Korea under Commander Col. Jim reception committee at Pusan CHILDREN. Small Korean boy adopted by Canadian Forces dressed in ad turns about MASCOTS Canadians arriving in Korea find small boy as Small uniform he turns about and salutes STONE COLONEL J “BIG JIM“ Arrives ashore at Pusan in Command of the Canadian Forces in Korea Military - Active; Korean War Korean Conflict, war, soldiers, supply port Background: Canadian Forces report for duty in Korea in 1951 FILM ID: VLVAA0CRXUQMYMJZZ5RPY0MKZQ8GZ To license this film, visit
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