Well Dressing Beware - Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1962)

Buxton Spa, Derbyshire. Low angle M/S of two girls holding bouquets of flowers in their arms. L/S of the same girls picking flowers from the flower bushes. M/S of each of the girls picking flowers. Cut to a M/S of a girl and a boy picking wild flowers in a field. Little boy has a huge bunch of flowers in his arms. Lovely shots of the two toddlers being irresistibly, charmingly clumsy as they run around picking flowers. M/S of two teenage girls picking flowers. “Are all the children of the Derby dales gathering flowers? Well, of course they are. It’s well-dressing time in Derbyshire and everyone is pleased to lend a hand.“ Well-dressing takes place during midsummer season in villages across Derbyshire. At Buxton Spa two wells - one in the Market Place and the other called St. Ann’s - are “being beautified“. The well dressing begins by laying wet clay on a board. Then the petals are pressed into it. C/U shots of flowers (daisies and violet coloured carnations) being placed into bucket. High an
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