BELGIUM / ROYAL: Belgium votes on the King’s return (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Voters cast ballots to decide if King Leopold III will return to monarchy Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Belgium Votes on the King’s Return BELGIUM: EXT BELGIUM VOTES ON THE KING’S RETURN: BELGIUM Voting takes place in Belgium to decide the return of King Leopold, voting stations, M. Spaak ’s King and family in group LEOPOLD, King of the Belgians Voting takes place to decide his return as King Belgium.. Seen in family group in Palace in Gardens SPAAK. Seen voting in decide the return of the King. Seen at Voting station. Royalty; King Leopold III of the Belgians (1934-1951) King of Belgium, monarchy, vote, voting, Parliament, people vote, Leopold Background: Voters cast ballots to decide if King Leopold III will return to monarchy FILM ID: VLVAADEEQ0ZJ8CIBZ
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