RECORDS FALL LIKE NINEPINS AT OLYMPICS Marjorie Jackson (Australia) wins 100 metres. Da w

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Description not available Full Description: Helsinki, Finland: GTV Olympic stadium, Helsinki. GV Large crowd. CU Starter fores gun. GTV Pan Women’s 100-metres M. Jackson 1st, Australia, 2nd. Daphne Hasenjager (S. Africa) 3rd. Shirley Strickland (Australia) SV Type in crowd waving Union Jack. SV Three girls on winners . SFV , Ferreira Da Silva of Brazil makes record Hop, Step & Jump. CU Measuring jump. CU Da Silva. GTV Pan Start of 200-metres. SV Pan Stanfield, of . takes lead. GTV Finish of 200-metres, winner . SV Pan Olympic record javelin throw by Mrs. Zatopek. SV 5,000-metres runners passing bell & last lap sign. SCU Chataway & Zatopek passing man, Zatopek goes ahead of Chataway. SV Pan Schade passes Chataway then Zatopek, Chataway passes them both & taken slig
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