BRITISH NEWS-LETTERS ROUSE NAZI ANGER Commander King-Hall answers Dr Goebbels, Nazi propag...(1939)
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SLATE INFORMATION: News-Letters Rouse Nazi Chief’s Anger
Gen. view Nazi Banners ROLL 5199
Top gen. view Nazi meeting & ROLL 5047
Top view crowd with Nazi banners ROLL 5047
Semi view Goebbels recording ROLL 5047
ENGLAND: Surrey:
Semi view William Stephen Richard King-Hall (politician) reading German Newspaper “Angriff“.
Stephen King-hall interview at desk SOT
Sound Effects.
King Hall says that he is not in the pay of the foreign Office & Halifax did not help him compile the letters and that he was trying to put the English case before the Germans.
Gen. view pan gigantic crowd on hill at ROLL 4658
Top view crowd ’ ROLL 5047
Semi view ROLL 5047
Silhouette of guards heiling..