Plot: Bucky and Wanda reunite after the events of Civil War,
both were part of Hydra. Bucky promises to help her, to protect her for their agreement but then Barnes doesn’t keep her promise for fear that the Winter Soldier will come back and kill her.
When he escapes from freezing, however Wanda has waited for him, she has never forgotten him but is hurt by her actions.
Everyone fights against Thanos in Wakanda but they don’t win, Bucky disappears but Wanda doesn’t, her loneliness and pain made her get closer to her powers, to study them and to become stronger.
Five years after the blip, Tony and Nat’s sacrifice brings back the whole universe, including Bucky. He finds a woman and not a girl as before, but it doesn’t last long because he is hired by the government to give him exams. Wanda sees the way they torture him and save him, but they have too much to fight and forgive each other for.
They have to face their life, their demons and together they end up trying something else too, they end up loving each o
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