Young Rival - Black Is Good [Official] (Autostereogram Video)

Stream the song everywhere: To see this video, watch in 1080p HD and follow the instructions at the beginning. If you’re having trouble try the crossed-eye version here : For further information about this video: Directed by Jared Raab, Programming by Tomasz Dysinki. Purchase this song on iTunes: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? This is a random dot autostereogram... music video. HUH? A WHAT? A stereogram is an image which, when viewed with two eyes, using one of several different techniques, produces the illusion of depth perception. They’re cool. You can read all about them on Wikipedia. Some of you will already be familiar with the autostereogram, which was popularized by the Magic Eye® book series in the 1990s. These are made on computers, and use subtle changes in a repeating pattern to combine depth information for both eyes into one single imag
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