Stuart J. Hooper: Elites Use U.S. Military to Destroy Forces Unaligned with Globalization

*Interview originally posted May 26th, 2022 on and not on PentagonTube due to having been suspended with 2 strikes. We were also recently banned from PentagonPal as well as had podcasts removed from Spotify. Lecturer Stuart Hooper takes an academic look at national and international elites. Individuals no longer matter in this mass society where all political parties have been captured. C. Wright Mills points out power is held in the economic, political, military establishments. America was founded by elites, but it isn’t until 1886 and the 14th Amendment when power is transferred from the political elites to the economic world. The postwar Military-Industrial-Complex became a self-reinforcing clique concerned with maintaining power. The iron law of oligarchy says that elites are always ready to justify despotic acts under the pretext they are done for the good of the public. The armed forces of the U.S. seem to have been captured by the transnational elite, used to destro
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