Emerald Tablets of Thoth [The Original]

Emerald Tablets of Thoth contain a history of Atlantis, its mechanical and scientific achievements, the manner it sank below the Atlantean waves, the colonizing of ancient Egypt and even to the construction of the Great Pyramid. But their ‘real’ significance is that they contain the keys to the unfoldment of the Heavens, the Earth, and the Divine Soul of Man. These Tablets are so written that the words respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associate mental vibrations of an exhilarating rhythm in the mind of the reader. Thus, the magnanimous wisdom of the author is revealed. A casual ...read will immediately glimpse the thrilling beauty of its rhythm. The Truth Seeker, who is willing to give them a more intensive study, will open avenues to the most intrinsic wisdom; wisdom of unutterable majesty and beauty. 00:00 Preface 06:57 Introduction 10:03 PART 1: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean 20:11 PART 2: The Halls of Amenti 30:50 PART 3: The Key of Wisdom 40:01 PART 4: The Space Born 48:24 PART 5: The Dweller of Unal 57:25 PART 6: The Key of Magic 1:06:50 PART 7: The Seven Lords 1:16:40 PART 8: The Key of Mystery 1:26:17 PART 9: The Key to Freedom of Space 1:36:14 PART 10: The Key of Time 1:46:29 PART 11: The Key To Above and Below 1:55:52 PART 12: The Law of Cause and Effect & The Key of Prophecy 2:03:43 PART 13: The Keys of Life and Death 2:10:17 PART 14: Atlantis 2:20:32 PART 15: Secret of Secrets Purchase a copy here: (Amazon Affiliate Link) Thank you for viewing this presentation. The Archive appreciates your time and encourages you to explore our channel. Help support our channel and receive exclusive bonuses! Patreon Supporters: Archive YouTube Memberships: Subscribe here: Website: Facebook:
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