Crom-Tech - Crom-Tech

Second self-titled release. Ripped from vinyl on an Audio Technica LP120-USB. I came across this pretty soon after starting my record collection in a local record store. I asked the guy working to give me something I might like. He asked me what I was into and at the time it was mostly math rock, noise rock, and hardcore punk. He handed me this album, and it being only five dollars I decided to buy it. When I played it the first time, I had no idea what to expect and barely got past the first couple tracks. It sat on my shelf for about two years, and I forgot about it. Earlier this year I was looking into Zach Hill and some of his non-Hella and Death Grips releases and found his collaboration with Mick Barr. I was into it and started searching for more Mick Barr stuff. I was surprised when I saw this album as one of the first things he ever put out, so I gave it another listen. It’s a lot more enjoyable to me now, after I’ve gone way farther down the weird music rabbit hole, as the most
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