Drawings, Site Visits + Construction on a remote island | Outpost - Part 9

Foundation site work has begun on the island Outpost project and we’re faced with an important decision. See the drawings I prepare for this stage of construction, the design considerations for the foundation strategy and walk the site as I review progress. Our initial foundation strategy to use posts piers was thwarted by higher than expected bedrock (ledge) elevations. You’ll see what the changes we made and all steps we took to design a sensible alternative. Architectural drawings order and organize information and ensure our design decisions are enacted in the field, but they’re also not fixed instruments, inevitably the construction offer unexpected obstacles and the purpose of conducting site visits is to solve these in real-time. The drawings must also take into account the sequence and order of operations on a construction site, it’s quite possible to draw something that can’t actually be built. See how I build my architectural drawing sets with this in mind. Ther
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