Techniques to ACTIVATE Your Pineal Gland

Stream 8,000 Ad-Free Films, Original Shows & Yoga Classes on Gaia - Get a microdose of techniques that can help you consciously activate your pineal gland and unlock your spiritual connection to the universe. We hear from scientists and mystics who explore ancient roots and modern discoveries about this pinecone-shaped part of the endocrine system. Activating your pineal gland may be the key to unlocking your greatest potential. Rewired with Dr. Joe Dispenza - Mystery Teachings with Dr. Theresa Bullard - Dennis McKenna and Dr. Rick Strassman on Psychedelica - About Gaia: Gaia offers the largest resource of consciousness expanding videos. Answer life’s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia— a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge
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