Citroen C5 : side mirror folding motor replacement

If you like what I do and want to support me feel free to buy me a coffee. Thanks.. I am not a mechanic and I do things at home with tools that can be used but are not official. So please use info by own responsibility. The mirror folding motor is not a spare part for Citroen C5. I bought a donor mirror for an appropriate price (20EUR 5EUR shipment) and just swap the motor. Took me 30 minutes with recording parts for the video :) Steps need to be done: 1. rotate mirror up 2. use a wide tool (I used part of metal) and pull the mirror from the holder 3. unplug heater cable if heated mirrors installed 4. use some tool to release the upper back part 5. then release the inner back cover 6. and the front one 7. unplug the cable from the mirror tilting 8. unplug all the rest cables (depends on model) 9. use hand to rotate the whole mirror so you can access screws 10. remove the mirror 11. press spring and rotate (onl
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