Starclan Trials|| COMPLETE Warrior Cats AU MAP

Before anything else I need to give a very special thank you to @rchunee9743 for absolutely carrying the production of this project there’s no way it would’ve been finished without their contributions! Starclan trials is an Alternate universe I Created for the Warrior Cats series where leaders go to the moonstone to get their nine lives, but instead of meeting with Starclan directly, they’re met with a series of challenges that they have to conquer while they hunt down the starclan cats that give them their lives. The challenges feel like they last about a week but in reality it’s only a couple hours that they sleep. they cannot die during these trials but if they take too long and cannot complete a task they will be turned away by starclan. Leaders that complete the challenges are rewarded with a star on their chest, but those who fail will be forever marked with the shame of a shattered star behind their ear. This map follows Bluestar as she completes her leader trials. Thumb
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